Sunday, August 2, 2009


Yep, to confirm what you've heard, I actually am going on vacation. SURPRISE! So, I won't be able to talk to you for a while til' I get back. Though, just to fill you up, I can tell you about it now if you want. Yes? Awesome. Let's get started. But first, I'd like to apologize for not talking very much. I just haven't experienced anything very interesting.

So, for my vacation, I'm going up to my cottage in Quebec to visit my grandparents and cousins. It's in a little town about two hours away from Ottawa, and eight hours from London. Loooooonnngggg way. But it's definitely worth the wait. It backs onto a really big lake that's so beautiful and clear (on a good day). It's pretty private with tons of trees everywhere. There's three bedrooms, four beds, and two bunk beds. All the kids have to share a room pretty much (or at least a closet) and the adults either get a room or a pull-out couch, which I counted as a bed. We've also got this really FAST boat that sometimes drags us around on a big circle of rubber (also known as "tubing", or the best dang water sport in the whole world!).

As well as going to a cottage, I'm going camping! And guess where? Algonquin park! I've never been, and I hope the bugs aren't too bad. I have heard that it's, like, the most amazing campground in the world. I'm only going for four days, then I'm being picked up to go to my cottage. But I really hope it'll be a good time. One can only hope, and wish, and guess. ;)

I hope all my, like, maybe two readers at most are enjoying their summers as well. I wish you both the best, along with those of you who must have gotten lost and ended up on my blog, and were also bored enough to read a stranger's blog. I hope you're having a good summer, and happy August.

K. Z. Haasly

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