Tuesday, September 29, 2009

=D D=

Hello, my blogger friends. I realize it's been a while since I last spoke with you, but I must say, I really did miss you guys. Lately my life has been full of both happy times, and miserable times. I suppose I best start with the bad and end with the good.

First and foremost, I just recently divorced my wife. =( Very sad, I know. I miss her very much. She was a good wife. Although, I gave her a plasticine rose during history today with a note that said: "I'm sry, luv =(" She smiled and put the flower in her desk. Then I gave my girlfriend a flower so she wouldn't feel left out. ;) More bad news: my most favoritest fanfic in the history of forever and before that has been deleted!!!! Oooo nuuuuz!! I was like "NUUUUUUU!!" Then I decided to come let it all out here.

I also have a sore throat, which doesn't agree with my lifestyle. I'm used to yelling and talking and singing when no one's listening. But the more I do the things I love most, the worse my throat gets! If you have any solutions that might help me get better, please make a comment as soon as you can!! #=

On the upside, I got to score volleyball today! Hoorah! Even better, I got to name the teams! On one side, the pudding cups, on the other, the banana bread. Game two: Disney Princesses vs. Fairy Princesses. Why? Because I wanted to see which ones were better at volleyball. Pudding cups beat Banana Bread, but Fairies beat Disney by one point. It was a losing battle from the start.

As well as that, some of you may know that I am in the enrichment program or "Gifted Class". This means I ride the city bus to school. Well, on the way home, the bus was pretty much empty (something totally different from the norm) except for me and my gifty pals. So, we all ran to the back and took all the seats there. We were, in a phrase, "dominating" the bus. We also, somehow, became the "Teenage Mutant Ninja Gifties". I don't really know how.

That's about all the news I have for today. I'll probably talk again sometime next week or tomorrow or something. I have a headache from staring at a bright white screen and I gotta go take an ibuprofen anyway. So...TTYL BFFL ROFL!!

Your loving pal,
K.Z. Haasly

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Alright. This post won't be very long, but I'd like to mention that I'm writing a story. It's not incredibly interesting, but for those of you bored reader who need something to do with their time, I thought I'd bring it up. Y'know, just in case. Here's the basic plot line:

Delilah is a normal girl, just like every other sixteen-year-old. She has a crappy car and goes to a tiny high school in a tiny city up near the top of Ontario. She's lived the best life a teenager can live--there hasn't been a single shoot-out so far!--That is, until she notices a new girl in the town who seems to be following her everywhere! Other than at school, she hardly notices her stalker, but she's in every class as Delilah! This dark, Gothic-like girl was starting to freak her out. Was she a ghost? A zombie? A vampire? Turns out, none of the above. But still, she wasn't normal. Delilah learns the girl's name is Teresa, she's seventeen years old, and she's trying to keep Delilah alive while Teresa's fourteen-year-old brother plots to kill her, along with everyone she cares about! How will she ever get herself out of this huge mess? Why her? It's hard to answer any of these questions. And I won't until you can read it, if I decide you can (although now I suppose I have to since I've got your hopes all high;])

As soon as I finish the first chapter, I promise to post it somewhere (maybe here, but maybe not. I haven't decided which is best).

K. Z. Haasly


Yep, to confirm what you've heard, I actually am going on vacation. SURPRISE! So, I won't be able to talk to you for a while til' I get back. Though, just to fill you up, I can tell you about it now if you want. Yes? Awesome. Let's get started. But first, I'd like to apologize for not talking very much. I just haven't experienced anything very interesting.

So, for my vacation, I'm going up to my cottage in Quebec to visit my grandparents and cousins. It's in a little town about two hours away from Ottawa, and eight hours from London. Loooooonnngggg way. But it's definitely worth the wait. It backs onto a really big lake that's so beautiful and clear (on a good day). It's pretty private with tons of trees everywhere. There's three bedrooms, four beds, and two bunk beds. All the kids have to share a room pretty much (or at least a closet) and the adults either get a room or a pull-out couch, which I counted as a bed. We've also got this really FAST boat that sometimes drags us around on a big circle of rubber (also known as "tubing", or the best dang water sport in the whole world!).

As well as going to a cottage, I'm going camping! And guess where? Algonquin park! I've never been, and I hope the bugs aren't too bad. I have heard that it's, like, the most amazing campground in the world. I'm only going for four days, then I'm being picked up to go to my cottage. But I really hope it'll be a good time. One can only hope, and wish, and guess. ;)

I hope all my, like, maybe two readers at most are enjoying their summers as well. I wish you both the best, along with those of you who must have gotten lost and ended up on my blog, and were also bored enough to read a stranger's blog. I hope you're having a good summer, and happy August.

K. Z. Haasly

Friday, July 31, 2009

Rant time!

Kay. I haven't had a chance to rant about something, or even really talk for a while, so I'll use this as an opportunity. If you don't want to listen to me complain, don't. I don't really care. Just one less criticism paragraph.

But what to rant about?

How about this. I don't get why so many of my friends hate Twilight. If it's because of the whole change to vampires, it's called poetic licence. I personally think it's an improvement. I mean, as long as she keeps the need-to-now things in tact, like, reasons for staying inside during the day, and the whole drink blood crap, I think it's fine. It's her opinion, maybe even her dream, of what vampires should be like. If you read the vampires my friend created, you might hardly see the difference in Twilight vampires vs Hollywood vampires. I mean, she dropped everything! They don't drink blood, they don't have red eyes or even topaz eyes. They don't even stay inside during the day. I don't get it. But, I guess I can't criticize her too bad. She is only a beginner in the world of writing. Whatever.

Also, if it's because of the genre, that doesn't necessarily mean it sucks, just that you have a different taste in books. So, if you don't mind, don't try to push your personal choice on others. Like, I don't think that vegan is the healthiest life choice, but it's what the person decided to to with their life. It's totally up to them, and I can't change that; one, because it's their choice, and two, because it's pointless and they wouldn't listen to me anyway. It would just cause a fight.

So, if you don't mind, keep your nose in your own business.

K.Z. Haasly.