Tuesday, September 29, 2009

=D D=

Hello, my blogger friends. I realize it's been a while since I last spoke with you, but I must say, I really did miss you guys. Lately my life has been full of both happy times, and miserable times. I suppose I best start with the bad and end with the good.

First and foremost, I just recently divorced my wife. =( Very sad, I know. I miss her very much. She was a good wife. Although, I gave her a plasticine rose during history today with a note that said: "I'm sry, luv =(" She smiled and put the flower in her desk. Then I gave my girlfriend a flower so she wouldn't feel left out. ;) More bad news: my most favoritest fanfic in the history of forever and before that has been deleted!!!! Oooo nuuuuz!! I was like "NUUUUUUU!!" Then I decided to come let it all out here.

I also have a sore throat, which doesn't agree with my lifestyle. I'm used to yelling and talking and singing when no one's listening. But the more I do the things I love most, the worse my throat gets! If you have any solutions that might help me get better, please make a comment as soon as you can!! #=

On the upside, I got to score volleyball today! Hoorah! Even better, I got to name the teams! On one side, the pudding cups, on the other, the banana bread. Game two: Disney Princesses vs. Fairy Princesses. Why? Because I wanted to see which ones were better at volleyball. Pudding cups beat Banana Bread, but Fairies beat Disney by one point. It was a losing battle from the start.

As well as that, some of you may know that I am in the enrichment program or "Gifted Class". This means I ride the city bus to school. Well, on the way home, the bus was pretty much empty (something totally different from the norm) except for me and my gifty pals. So, we all ran to the back and took all the seats there. We were, in a phrase, "dominating" the bus. We also, somehow, became the "Teenage Mutant Ninja Gifties". I don't really know how.

That's about all the news I have for today. I'll probably talk again sometime next week or tomorrow or something. I have a headache from staring at a bright white screen and I gotta go take an ibuprofen anyway. So...TTYL BFFL ROFL!!

Your loving pal,
K.Z. Haasly